Alumni of CFD lab. are listed below. They are all active in either industry or academic areas.
Last Updated: Feb 21 2025
Syed Ahmad Raza |
Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering Department NED University of Engineering and Technology
Ph.D. 2021. Topic:Simulation of vortex-induced vibration of 3-D structures in turbulent flow using direct-forcing immersed boundary method |
E-mail: D10503816@mail.ntust.edu.tw |
CHEN, CHIA-LIN (陳佳琳) |
M.S. 2021. Topic: Cloud manufacturing execution system based on web and machine learning for CNC machine |
E-mail: M10803315@mail.ntust.edu.tw |
M.S. 2021. Topic:Prediction-correction direct-forcing immersed boundary modeling of dynamic stall with burst plasma actuator in turbulent flow
E-mail: M10803310@mail.ntust.edu.tw |
WU, YOU-PENG (吳祐朋) |
M.S. 2021. Topic:Pseudospectral matrix element modeling for cross-flow past a flexible cylinder with different initial conditions |
E-mail: M10803326@mail.ntust.edu.tw |
Lu, Ping-Chien (陸秉鍵) |
M.S. 2022. Topic:Prediction-correction direct-forcing immersed boundary modeling of dynamic stall of airfoil under serrated plasma control in turbulent flow |
E-mail: M10803341@mail.ntust.edu.tw |
Lin, Ke-Tseng (林克承) |
M.S. 2022. Topic:Numerical study in flow of large Kaplan turbines |
E-mail: u119406@taipower.com.tw |
Desta Goytom Tewolde |
Ph.D., 2023. Topic: Numerical simulation of vertical axis wind turbine in turbulent flow using a direct-forcing immersed-boudary model |
E-mail: D10603819@mail.ntust.edu.tw
CHIU, YU-HAO(邱宇顥) |
M.S. 2022. Topic:Influence of stationary upstream cylinder on the VIV of side-by-side cylinders in staggered position |
E-mail: davidchiu8612@gmail.com |
M.S. student, 2022. Topic:Study of High-Performance Computing for Solving Navier-Stokes Equation in Architectures of Distributed and Shared Memory. |
E-mail: jimmy3769tw@gmail.com |
M.S. student, 2023. Topic:Application of direct-forcing immersed boundary method coupled with STL CAD files on fluid-solid interaction simulations |
E-mail: M10703902@mail.ntust.edu.tw |
Yosua Heru Irawan |
Ph.D. student, 2023. Topic:Passively enhanced vortex-induced vibration responses of side-by-side cylinders in turbulent flow |
E-mail: D10803806@mail.ntust.edu.tw |
SYU, JHE-HAO(徐哲顥) |
M.S. student, 2023. Topic:Integrate information security penetation testing and web-based cloud manufacturing execution system |
E-mail: jack09756@gmail.com |
M.S. student, 2024. Topic:Numerical Investigation of Interaction between Freely Falling Sphere and Wall Using the Direct-Forcing Immersed Boundary Method |
E-mail: Jeffery890117@gmail.com |
KUO, CHUN-YU(郭峻佑) |
M.S. student, 2024. Topic:Visualization and interaction of computational fluid dynamics data based on augmented virtual reality technology |
E-mail: alex380621@gmail.com |
CHOU, TAI-YI(周岱佑) |
M.S. student, 2024. Topic:On the Energy Harvesting Efficiency of Heaving and Pitching Airfoils in Fluid Flow |
E-mail: eretmo28@gmail.com |
CHEN, DE-HAO(陳德浩) |
M.S. student, 2024. Topic:Resolving high velocity flow field in acoustic streaming using PINN |
E-mail: M11103307@mail.ntust.edu.tw |
M.S. student, 2022. Topic: PINN-Based Simulation of Multi-Cylinder Flow Field: Replication Study from Single Cylinder to Three Cylinder
E-mail: M11103328@mail.ntust.edu.tw |
Tel: (886)-2-2737-6496
Fax: (886)-2-2737-6460
E-mail: mjchern@mail.ntust.edu.tw